Swati’s dance classes under the tutelage of Anandavalli started at the tender age of four, due to the persistence of her grandmother, who wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. The following decade and more, saw Swati develop a genuine interest for Bharatha Natyam and having gained an immense amount of stage experience performing with the Lingalayam Dance Academy, she presented her Arangetram in March 2003. Her first season with the Lingalayam Dance Company was in Earth & Fire also in 2003 and she has since been performing as a member of the Company. She was one of the five dancers involved with coordinating and presenting Tarangini a concert for charity, in April 2006. The Blue Divine in 2011 with renowned Indian musicians Anil Srinivasan (on piano) and Sikkil Gurucharan (carnatic vocalist), was a special experience. Swati is one of the main dancers of the Lingalayam/Taikoz collaboration Chi Udaka, having been involved in the work since its initial creative development period and performing in its premiere season at the 2014 Sydney Festival. A persevering dancer, who over the years has found great fulfilment in this ancient art form, which has given her an insight into the traditions and culture of her roots, Swati has been on-hand to teach ‘the little ones’ at the Lingalayam Dance Academy since 2005.