Seran’s initial training in Bharatha Natyam started at the age of 12 under Usha Karunakaran. In 1998 in preparation for his <emArengetram</em> (dance debut) Seran went to Chennai in South India, where he underwent rigorous training in the art form under the renowned ‘dancing duo’ the Dhananjayans. Back in Sydney he presented his dance debut under the able guidance of Dhamayanthy Balaruju. Following his ‘Arengetram’ in 1998, Seran traveled frequently to Chennai, for periods of 3 months to undergo intensive training with the Dhananjayans, acquiring a strong foundation and proficiency in the art form. Now a student of the Dhanajayans, Seran went back to Chennai in 2004 for a period of 9 months in order to complete his Diploma in Bharatha Natyam at ‘Bharatha Kalanjali’ the institution founded by the Dhananjayans. During this period he had the great opportunity of performing all over India under the banner of ‘Bharatha Kalanjali’, and also to dance one of the lead roles in Prof.C.V.Chandrashekar’s production of “Kreeda’ which toured to Kerala, Mumbai, Gujarat and Chennai. Other highlights include the ‘Natyanjali Festival 2005’ at Chidambaram and his solo performance in Chennai conducted by his Guru’s the Dhananjayans. Seran has started his own dance school “RASANA School of Aesthetic Arts” in Sydney and presents solo performances regularly. Seran first performed with the Lingalayam Dance Company in “Kuruntokai-The Interior Landscapes” in 2006 and again in the re-staging of “Earth & Fire” in 2007.